Despite the general title, the book is being marketed as an effort to introduce Turkish bead crochet trim to a wider audience. Ms. Nishida explains that she discovered this form of Turkish trim at an exhibition of oya held in Japan and has been studying boncuk oyalari (or bead trim) ever since. A language note: the Turkish term for the trim is the plural oyalari but crafters in the U.S. and Europe tend to call it oya, the singular form.
As with just about every bead book today, the design is beautiful-- particulary the cover. Don't fall in love with any of the edgings on the cover, though, because the book does not include instructions for those particular trims. It does have instructions for simplified versions of 3 of the edgings shown on the cover, 11 other bead crochet edgings, and 4 beadwoven trims.
Instructions are given for the edgings only along with suggestions for how to use the trim. The sample projects are modern applications of Turkish trim and range in size from decoration on felt Christmas ornaments to edging for a shawl. There is information on materials needed and hints for adding trim to textiles. If you are familiar with Japanese diagrams, the crochet instructions are clear.
Despite all of the information, this is not a book for beginners or those who want to learn to crochet but is geared towards bead crocheters who are used to working with small beads and fine thread. Bead used range from size 7/0 -12/0 and threads range from lace-weight crochet thread to wool embroidery thread. That said, the book will appeal to crafters who want to play with making some fun beaded edgings.
If you are also interested in learning more about oya, however, this book will prove frustrating. Since Ms. Nishida states that her mission is to "share the charm of Turkish Boncuk oya and the pleasure of making it with as many people as I could," I was frustrated by the blurred line between actual Turkish techniques and creative interpretation.

I sympathize with Ms. Nishida because the question of making traditional techniques our own is one we artists struggle with all the time. There is also the time-honored practice of looking at an object and making our own version of it with possibly different techniques. In a book that purports to teach Turkish techniques though, the line between academic information and creative interpretation could have been better delineated.
Not that information on Turkish oyalari is totally lacking. There is a one-page explanantion entitled "Beautiful Turkish Edgings" opposite a full-page version of the cover photo, which turns out to be examples of pieces from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Ishimoto. The book also includes a two-page essay entitled "Village hopping in search of Turkish hand-made crafts" about the Ishimoto's collecting efforts and Ms. Nishida's trip to Turkey in 2006. Unfortunately, the photos included in that section are disappointedly small.
One word about the patterns, if you have seen the sample pattern on the CrochetMe blog, http://www.crochetme.com/blogs/crochet_me/archive/2011/2/28/be-inspired-with-a-free-beaded-edging.aspx
be aware that all of the instructions are not on the same page like they are shown in the blog. The page with the first photo of the edging has 3 photos of the particular trim in progress but the actual instructions and diagram are in the back so you may need to flip back and forth as you work.
Also, the bead weaving stitch used in the grapes (shown at right) and peppers patterns is just called "bead stitch" or off-loom beading" but it looks like peyote stitch. If you have never tried that stitch and need to find instructions for it, there are peyote tutorials available elsewhere.
Despite my disappointment that the book doesn't have more information on actual oya edgings, I applaud Ms. Nishida's efforts to popularize this Turkish craft and am heartened to see the positive response to the book in Japan and the U.S. Renewed interest in oyalari will hopefully keep the craft alive in the countries where it still made.