I am afraid that life interfered with blogging this year, but how could I not tell you about our annual Christmas window tour. This year we added an event when we went to Snug Harbor on Staten Island to see the NYC Lantern Festival with 1,000 lanterns fashioned into luminous sculptures. We picked the warmest night we could when the temperature at night was a balmy 34 degrees F (yes, that was the warmest night that we could visit Snug Harbor). It was cold but the sights were magical.
The Entrance
Vegetables. That dark shape is Don taking a photo.
A particularly nice tiger
These mushroom trees were my favorite lantern.
How could I leave out the snake?
Desert scene with camel.
Jelly fish and a large turtle
Side view of turtle. You really couldn't see the supports in the dark.
The Arctic section. This is more like what we actually saw that night.
Mastodons, deer, and dinosaurs
A tunnel based on Chinese opera headdresses
A phoenix
A nice school of fish
A walk-through crocodile
More mushrooms. The circles change color when you stepped on them...
...like this
Then it was on to more dinosaurs
A little Jurassic Park
And the tunnel to the exit
Next post will be the traditional Christmas windows tour.
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